Mental and Emotional Wellbeing
There are many places where support for mental and emotional wellbeing can be found.
“Only a part or my life changes when I become Muslim, other parts of my life goes on… why wouldn’t they?”
Can you – or someone you are helping – relate to some of that? Becoming Muslim can bring highs and moments of inner celebration or peace, especially as so many have said, at the time of conversion. But in the weeks and months ahead, life catches up, and often, that can bring the shadows, challenges and feelings from our wider life story. These can affect our thoughts, our sense of self, our wellbeing. We are only human, but sometimes we can really feel that sense of weakness and vulnerability. Perhaps feelings of desperation too.
Becoming Muslim can bring inner peace, but it is not a magic tonic, and life will throw itself at us. We can feel challenged. Some Muslims can be a great source of friendship, love and support, and mosques or institutions can be welcoming and sincere. But, it is quite alright to accept that not all form of help can be found there, or may be suitable for you.
But there are many places where support can be found. Help may not be dressed in an Islamic language, nor does it need to be. There are organisations with experience who can provide help, or be a place to start. Seeking their help and advice should never make you feel you haven’t converted with proper faith. If anything, Islamic teachings encourage one in searching for cures to life’s ills. It doesn’t matter if it’s gambling, inner despair, grieving a lost one, rape, the impact of debt or something else. Seeking the kind of support that works for you is what is important.
Some suggested starting points to refer people could include:
Advice and support for anyone experiencing any kind of mental health challenge:
A support charity based in Scotland:
Support for children and young people with their mental health and wellbeing:
National Zakat Foundation – Help with debts: